One of the places I wanted to see while in Victoria was Butchart Gardens. I was worried that with us going so late in the fall was the flowers would be sad. :(
We got there early enough so there were barely any other people. Rob loved the old style maps.

I shouldn't have been worried - from our first view of the sunken gardens, we were amazed by the color and variety of all the plants.

The bush behind me looked like a alien being to me.

The fall colors were definitely in full force!

Beautiful view across the pond.

There were some fountains that we called, "Bellagio - Canada"!

Love the red color.

Although the roses weren't in bloom, the chrysanthemums were out in full force. They were amazing!

They had a Japanese garden too, which wasn't as authentic as the Nitobe Gardens, but, again, the colors were just beautiful.

After the gardens, we went in search of a fish and chip place recommended to us by Huay, but it was closed! Blast! So we went into town, found my museum...

(I think the sign is really pointing to the Maritime museum!)
saw Chinatown...

... and ended up back at Red Fish Blue Fish, where we had the yummiest halibut and chowder. If you're ever in Victoria, please eat here! It's yummy!

Our final visit of the day was to Government house, which has a nice hike through an oak forest and various vistas of the city.

There were little terraced gardens to enjoy the plants and view.

Relaxing is nice!

We also enjoyed seeing all of the ducks in the ponds - we love duck butt!

This wasn't our last day on the trip, we had one more day but it was a total travel day from Victoria back to Seattle. Nothing notable happened except...

...we flew the plane home! No, the nice pilot let us sit up front during a layover.
All in all, a wonderful trip, with great food and great nature. Definitely a fantastic destination without leaving our time zone!